Church planting & Leadership

Squares16CHO is passionate about the development of new Christian leaders, and therefore invests much of their time in ensuring that there is an empowering and encouraging church environment for them to grow in. As these leaders develop, they are then encouraged to plant their own churches and in turn help to develop the next generation of leaders within their communities.

For this reason, CHO focuses on two elements; church planting and leadership.

By equipping them with the tools they need, CHO enables Christian men and women to serve, lead and grow the church within their community. These leaders are then integrated into an existing network of Christian leaders who will encourage, pray for and support them in their development.

The hope is that leaders will then feel confident in training up new men and women who can take the gospel to other parts of the region, set up their own churches and help to develop new leaders. The key to this project is sustainability; churches must always be looking to develop future leaders who can continue and grow the work of the church.