

Poipet is located on the long border between Thailand and Cambodia. Border trade provides business and job opportunities that attract people from all parts of Cambodia. Many of Poipet’s inhabitants formerly lived in the refugee camps that used to populate the border.

The largest single source of employment is day labour, with eight to ten thousand people crossing the border each day to transport goods back from Thailand. Working conditions and wages are poor for labourers and most are required to pay a bribe to conduct trade.

The city of Poipet lies in the shadows of ten super-casinos. Though these casinos provide some employment, most Cambodians have a insufficient level of education or cannot afford to pay the necessary money to secure a job there. As a result, the casinos provide little economic benefit to the area, for additionally, casino supplies are imported from Thailand.

The influx of tourists and gamblers, as a result of the casinos and Poipet’s location as a border crossing en route to Siem Riep, has encouraged the sex industry to flourish.

These factors- coupled with the lack of quality, inexpensive education and skills training in Cambodia- have allowed child trafficking to take a stronghold in Poipet. Poor families are at high risk of being lured into sending their children to work in Thailand where they are prime targets to traffickers.